We are 340B Pharmacy Advocates

We help pharmacies navigate the complexities of the 340B landscape and ensure their programs remain efficient so they can continue to serve their communities.
Trusted by more than 400 amazing pharmacies.
Strong Partnerships,
Healthy Communities

At Secure340B, we believe nothing is more valuable than the health of a community. We understand that when community pharmacies and healthcare providers come together, the community is strengthened. Secure340B aligns with these partnerships to facilitate 340B Program membership, ensuring the program runs smoothly, effectively, as it was intended. We invite you to share your goals for bettering your community with us. Together we’re stronger.

We know Pharmacy

The business of pharmacy is complex. Our understanding of the realities and challenges of retail pharmacy is central to our objective of structuring sustainable 340B Programs and Contract Pharmacy partnerships.

Honest billing with
one flat rate

Transparency and value are the core of our company – That’s why we are committed to ensuring your 340B benefit will exceed our fee for service, so you will have more to invest back into your business and the clinical services that support your community.

"I would not participate in 340B without your collaboration. You and your team are extremely knowledgeable, have developed a great platform, and are a joy to work with."
Kex Rx
Pharmacy and Home Care
"I certainly appreciate the help of Secure340B over the last 5 years. Your company helped me to better understand the 340B program."
Greg Seeber
Pharmacy Owner
"The 340B program has huge financial implications for my business. It really gives me a peace of mind to know Secure340B is watching my back. When issues arise they spend countless hours correcting them for me."
Andy Hudson
Hudson Drug and Hallmark Shop

Share your 340B goals with us today! Getting started has never been easier.

Questions about Secure340B or how to get help with your 340B Program?